How much is my face worth?

Categories Aesthetics, Musings

The Perks of Being Married to a Facial Plastic Surgeon: What is the True Cost of My Face?

Let’s see. Yes, I enjoy the unique benefits of being married to a facial plastic surgeon. If our spouses are in an industry that benefits us, I think we all agree that it is important to use all of the perks that come with the relationships.  For me, that means access to aesthetic enhancements and maintenance for my face.

But for those of us who don’t have a direct line to the operating room, it’s hard not to wonder: what would all this magical beauty cost if I were paying out of pocket? Actually, it is a little less than I expected

A Little Backstory

When I fell head over heels for my med student husband, I never imagined I’d also be falling in love with the benefits of his chosen profession. Fast forward a few years, and here I am, reaping the rewards of “wholesale pricing” on some of the best beauty treatments available.

The Breakdown of My Beauty Investment

So, let’s take a closer look at the numbers. After 25 years of using Botox, I could have racked up around $40,000! And I always mean to do it more often, but probably only manage a once a year microneedling—approximately $2,800 for about eight years. I’ve also sought rejuvenating treatments like erbium laser resurfacing (a few times, totaling $4,000), and CO2 laser treatments (twice, adding another $8,000).

Then there’s the big stuff:

  • Chin implant, chin lipo, and platysmaplasty surgery: $12,000
  • Mini facelift: $10,000
  • Upper eye blepharoplasty: $4,000
  • Deep plane facelift with brow lift and lip lift: $30,000

I’ve dabbled with fillers—just my lips once a year for a few years and a cheek filler once—costing around $8,000. And, I only use a few things, but medical-grade skincare can add up, so that would probably set me back another $10,000 over the years.

The Grand Total

When I tally everything up, my face—yes, just my face—would have cost roughly $116,000 for that “oh-so-natural” look. But honestly, because I could afford it, I probably wouldn’t change much about my choices.

Sure, I might have saved a bit here and there—I likely would have held off on the mini facelift and waited for the big one and possibly skipped cheek filler—but most of those treatments? Absolutely essential in my book!

A Reflection on My Choices

Thinking about it, I can’t help but laugh as I compare our life. If my husband had become a contractor or a furniture dealer, I might have spent more as we’ve lived in various places over 30 years together.  If he were in the high end restaurant industry, I would have spent a great deal more on his services, and also I would weigh a lot more. But luckily for me, I’ve got that facial plastic surgeon by my side. So instead of browsing for a stylish sofa, I’m gearing up for my next CO2 and radiofrequency treatment!

Marital Benefits

Being married to a facial plastic surgeon is undoubtedly a unique blessing. I’ve enjoyed a journey that many would envy, filled with treatments that keep me looking my best. Even though I’ve racked up quite a bill for my “wholesale priced” beauty, every dollar spent has been an investment in my self-confidence. So here’s to many more years of my wholesale beauty adventures. And he gets the benefits of me telling him to exercise more, eat healthier and get his flu shots.  I mean, the benefits go both ways, right?

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